When I drew Mauxie a few months ago I didn't know her whole back story. I just thought she was an exhibitionist. The more I learn about her the more I love her (also this pic is GORGEOUS. I wanna go to this coffee house! I love the plants)
When I drew Mauxie a few months ago I didn't know her whole back story. I just thought she was an exhibitionist. The more I learn about her the more I love her (also this pic is GORGEOUS. I wanna go to this coffee house! I love the plants)
I still love that pic! Penny's reaction is just adorable.
I'll try to hold back my curious world-building brain (I wanna read the employee handbook! Who else works here? how'd they all find their way to this job?), and just answer the question.
Number 4 is the most interesting to me.. it looks like she'd rather be doing something else, or maybe isn't wild about this job? She looks a little resigned... (also is the only one not adhering to the dress code)
Great work, I love these characters!
first that leotard is such a great design
second, I LOVE the trippy blacklight design of this WHOLE PIECE
So hot spooky and fun!
Quick question! is Tiffany's lack of nipples part of her permanent design? Or is she shape-shifting here (so that the image won't be flagged as Adult on the socials)? I'm asking cuz I'm drawing her right now and I was curious about that
OH yeah that's definitely a way of censoring it without actually censoring it. I am drawing a bunch of her (you can see here https://bit.ly/sxybts ) with all her naughty bits showing.
YAY! I'm excited to see what she looks like! She's a shapeshifting nympho nymph so you can wreck her however you want (within reason) and I'm sure she'd like it! ;)
I frickin LOVE her!
She's sorta like that little Playboy mascot (I used to have an art book with those lil drawings)
Thank you so much!
Wait what Playboy mascot?
GREAT job, I love it!
Mine took a REALLY long time to draw as well!
"Yay" for finishing! it looks great!
(I also enjoy we both picked Batgirl and April O'Neil but different ones, hee hee)
So fantastic, I gotta get me this uniform!
heart emoji
Excellent drawing!
This is such a fun piece <3
They're both so great, aww yay Cassie and Sal <3
All I wanna do is grow into being a better porn artist! Making the fun, filthy, and wholesome Lewd art that I want to see in the world!
lewd artist
Joined on 11/28/20